
I am another human being hoping that my being would make a difference.
Also known as sakooter πŸ™‚

I believe
If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem
and try
to be part of the solution.

I particularly like this little something that someone once said, and try to use it to motivate myself to do whatever little I can.

I am only one,
but I am one

I cannot do everything,
but I can do something

And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do

What I can do,
I should do

And what I should do,
by the grace of God,
I will do.”

On a more personal note, my name is Asma Yasrib.

With all the kinds of things I transfer from my mind to the keyboard to this blog, it is better to be anonymous. But well… I have a name and I use it. πŸ™‚

I am from Kashmir. My second home has been Malaysia where I spent a decade of my life. I am in Mumbai at present. (Why? Well this is how Allah planned it.. don’t ask me!)

I am married and have a beautiful son and a great husband! (yes I am a girl or a woman – guess that suits me better now).

Besides other things I do, I like working with graphics and website development.  I am currently working at GraphicWeave . Check it out!

31 thoughts on “About

  1. hey hi
    kool stuf knit well!!
    i dnt knw how i ended ovr hre but it hrdly maters since i likd ur blog
    i likd the way u hav put up PASSENGER SHED pics
    they realy do speak volumes ab8 how kashmiri’s r treated!!!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚

    keep up gud wrk…cheers

  2. Salaam

    A friend of mine is planning to launch a IT magzine for Kashmir.

    I was wondering, would you be interested in writing for it.

    Please contact him at [removed content]

    Ma Salaam

  3. We thought the readers of Sakooter Speaks would be interested in a new photojournalism feature from Kashmir on the PBS FRONTLINE/World website. If you have a blog or newsletter, we’d appreciate a post, a link, or a mention – we trying to make an effort to reach out to Kashmiris all over the globe, both Hindu & Muslim. We’d love to hear your reaction.

    The slideshow of compelling, thoughtful photographs from Kashmir by acclaimed photographer Ami Vitale is part of our new Flashpoint series, which highlights the work of international photojournalists. Vitale’s images provide an intimate view of a 60-year-old conflict.

    β€œYou know, I really wasn’t interested in getting to the frontline,” said Vitale. β€œThere were attacks every day and people dying, and often, you can’t see that in my photos. I wanted to show the things behind that. I spent a lot of time with women and inside homes, and I think a lot of the work shows their suffering. I don’t think it was intentional. It was just that I spent the most time with Kashmiri women, and I felt that they needed their voices heard, because they have one of the more difficult positions. They have to quietly endure their suffering.”

    You can see the slideshow of Vitale’s photographs online at:


    Readers can post comments and also read an interview with the photographer.

    Thanks for watching,

    Charlotte Buchen
    Senior Associate Producer/ Outreach

  4. hi… well scooter bhai, im really impresed to see this blog and is genuinely worth aprrecitaition, so kudos to ya… but at the same time i didnt like u mocking kashmiri people… i just happened to read ur scribble on western music show aired on radio kashmir srinager. its was not starical but obviously an effort to disgrace and malign ur own people. Its worth an effort that radio kashmir does air english programmes for the youth. the main objective is to transform the stereotype mindset of the people that kashmiris can speak english and even tho its hard for most of them to folow the trends but its working.. shedding ur all inhibitions and callin in from far fledged places from kashmir to an english programme is commendable.. its jus the matter of language and not every1 is gud in all the languages but having balls to participate certainly matters…..thanks

  5. @Sheikh Arafat
    1. I am not a ‘bhai’. πŸ™‚
    2. Thank you for reading through. Really appreciate your feedback.
    3. The post was not to malign the Kashmiri people. It is not about ‘language’, for to not know english would be a natural thing. But what I find very annoying is the fact that Kashmiris are so dying to be ‘wanna-be’ ‘MORDERN’ with ofcourse a twisted meaning attached to mordern.
    How many of the same people would feel “ashamed” of calling in to a Kashmiri Chaker request?
    It is about lost identities.
    and sometime humour is the only way to pass the message.
    Guess I didnt do a good job, and you didnt get the message.

  6. hey sakooter ‘bhai’ …:-) keep smiling. .

    -[—edited—] well dat prog iz filled with crap of boys and girls which normally goes unnoticed by their kith.. so it leads to crappier situations.. it results in bad morals.

    Just a small question.. What do you think will become of a Koshur with a ‘mordern’ bacha in every house?

    Kashmir is precious! remember..so allow no filth!!


  7. Me is such a big word.ME is what forms my world,ME is what can make a difference in my life and in all the life,s connected to me,In short ME is a world in itself coming to think of it.And yes ME can for sure make a BIG BIG difference in the world around,,,,,,,and i believe it , becuase its all these ME,s which eventuallly make the WORLD.SO ASMA (SAKOOTER) cheers and go on!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. well its not all about trying to become some1 else.. here the question is that same people do call for the hard core typical kashmiri programmes as well… and if going by facts and figures kashmiri programmes are far more popular than the english ones… and being modern is not wrong but its indeed the way u interpret the term, may go wrong….getting modern doesnt mean one would forget his/her culture or tradition, modernity has already seeped in every culture and its a healthy sign as long as its well woven with our traditions….
    and yeah i wasnt aware of ur gender.. so appologies for callin ya a bhai.. take care .. god bless

  9. and about the lost identity…. we are still well rooted with our culture, jus by callin an english programme doesnt disqualify you from being a kasshmiri…. And i reckon one needs to have a hollistic view and be objective rather than being subjective… u and others like QM neeeds to ressearch a lot before being judgemental.. its not them who have lost their identity its ppl like you who call it so and are in crises to save something thats already intact…

  10. well we not talkin abt ur origin u being a kashmiri by birth .. we are talkin about facts and figures…. u gotta try ur hands on research and find answers and being kashmiri doesnt give u a license to knw everythin about kashmir since its inception… there is a wealth of knowledge that one needs to seek …. so talk facts

  11. I never meant that what you presumed to understand (or misunderstand for that matter).

    Its Just that hard work and a Kashmiri dont go side by side ( unless the person is a sakooter like we have one somewhere around here)..

    And what kind of facts are we talking about.. Is it the number of disappeared people or the number of people who like that particular radio-cast!!

    And one more thing:

    “A wise person writes books, others publish censuses…….Its okay if you read books but leave the facts to the others”

  12. And wait let me edit that saying a bit..

    “A wise person writes books, others publish censuses while some like me support terrific blogs and ideas…

    Its might be Okay if you read books and censuses but please leave the other things to me πŸ˜‰

    Its a Hyperbole!!! Check it out in the Dictionary!!

  13. taking the topic to a different direction . is an unsympathetic means of evading the real cause of discussion…. bringing in different elements into discussion like how many have disappeared or been killed,….hang on…wot are we talking abt here??? i guess u have lost track…
    im not here to win ur sympathy … but help ursef to stand and stick by the origin of this argument… anywayz.. we not here to fight,,, wish ya all the best… and supporting a blogs and ideas doesnt make u different… but yeah wise blogging may.. so happy blogging

  14. and yeah.. it wasnt personal…
    take care and i respect ur views but diferrences do occur, as we tend to look at things from differnt perspective…and thats wot makes our individuality…
    wish ya luck

  15. i never thought it the way it looks you have been thinking.. and i know the topic.. english and kashmir via the radio..

  16. pata nahi log kue boltay hain
    pata nahi woh mouh hi kue kholtay hain
    chup rehna sekho
    dekhi choti se bachi ka karnama
    mashallah bhut acha
    sab milke bolo
    shabaash bacha jeetay reho
    lakin apne kharche pe πŸ˜›
    waqat jo kuch be sikhata hain sekhoo
    woh baagh jayega
    azadii se pheley appni soch ko azad kero ghandi socho se phir azadii pana mushkil nahi
    ops i think i am talking nonstop am i?
    no one is gona call me talka tive or nose poker here or i will delete this blog from my pc πŸ™‚

  17. Salam Sakooter-ji,
    I recently started following your blog and think it’s great! Very well written entries. Just wondering if you could you perhaps add me, a budding Kashmiri blogger, to your list of ‘Kashmiri Bloggers’?

    Much shukria! Keep up the good work!
    Sama B

  18. salam,
    Nice site, am quite impressed to see the zuni gaash! Actually I was searching material about Kashmir, for my study, came through your site. Nice mentained;seems you are a graphic designer.
    Well, keep it up.Best wishes…

  19. my humble request to all please search in google this word ( Kunan poshpora ) and you may remember somthing i find some people talkling about Save Dal i am not aganist it but i think its better to save dignity rather than Dal

  20. I wish i was born in more secure times, when life was simple yet more valuable. But then, may be people before me wished exactly this. And then, perhaps this is the right time or else God would have done otherwise .

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