Kashmir Flowers

A poem I learn’t at school fits so well here…

How many kinds of sweet flowers grow
in the Kashmir country garden
We’ll tell you name of some that we know
those we miss you’ll surely pardon
Daffodils and pansies
tall holly hocks
mary golds and tulips
and snow drops
roses, asters, daisies
blue forget-me-nots
in the Kashmir country garden…

14 thoughts on “Kashmir Flowers

  1. Hello Asma Yasrib,

    I am an artist who is in the process of making a art-work about Kashmir, where i want to remember the beauty of Kashmir through its flowers and people, in this time of conflict. I find these pictures exquisite. I will be extremely grateful if you could permit me to use these photos, with a photo credit in your name. If you will accept this request, we could think of a way i could access these images. Hope to hear from you. Warmly, Anita.

      1. Asma,
        Sorry, i didn’t look out for your reply….earlier
        Thanks so much….
        If you can send me low res jpeg’s of 15 flowers that are posted above by tomorrow morning 11am. you will be blessed. I really do need this urgently…. my email is [email protected]

        1. Hi Anita,

          Please could you contact Cashmir Foundation Scotland would be interested in your Art work on Kashmir as we are a Arts Heritage and Culture Charity in Scotland UK and this is one of the heritage areas we document, also would love to hear from Asma Yasrib for her beautiful flowers she has posted.

          Many Thanks



  2. Quite gud u see…..im doin my assignment n II find dat dese pics r epic!
    Gud photography tough…..n I jst want d names of d flowers ryt below d pics……lIk……if u r show in a pic of a saffron…..den can u plz ryt saffron below it….plz reply soon…..thnx

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