The Greater Kashmir Problem.

What exactly is wrong with Greater Kashmir?
I am unable to understand. In spite of the fact that it is such a widely read Kashmiri newspaper, the standards they maintain really make one think — what is wrong with them.

I am not talking of the fact that the news paper is practically filled with pages and pages of advertisements, where you have to search for news. Fair enough, they want to make money. Make money.. but then maybe they could add a few pages for the ad’s so that there would be enough space for news. Any how…

I am not even talking of the very loud grammatical/english language errors that call attention to themselves. No no… people have talked of that. I don’t need to.

I am not even talking of the biased news items which are pro-this/that. That is a norm with all newspapers. There is no such thing as unbiased news.

What bothers me today more than on other days is what kind of ‘news’ are given front page priority. The news item on the food served in a golf course written in a lucid, story like manner with the menu at the end comes on front page… hello????? while news of people protesting against Rushdie is not important. And other news items are given coverage like this:

A Joint Director of Information (Government of India) drowned in river Jhelum on Thursday when he along with other senior officials was inspecting the Uri power project, a local news agency said.

Being the newspaper which is so widely read, it is sad to notice that things are very wrong some place.

Greater Kashmir should work towards improving its news coverage. Otherwise, it is only a matter of time before somebody else comes with a newspaper that people would switch to. Afterall, news sells. And brings money.

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12 thoughts on “The Greater Kashmir Problem.

  1. Greater Kashmir started as a voice for the Kashmiris during the turbulent 1990’s. It was the only English newspaper serious about reporting and it gained a market, a very large market. Two decades later it is just another corporate and not what it started as. Recently a picture of the Chief Editor and Governor of Kashmir (a Hinduvata symbol) sharing a laugh at one of their Golf Cups showed a bit too loudly the state and the voice of the people hand in hand and the irony is that GK pretends to be a voice against the same aggressors that installed the Governor in Kashmir, maybe it no longer is. And soon GK will have its news channel!

  2. 🙂 maybe its time for an a l t e r n a t i v e..?and if you cant come up with one now, you might wana consider it as a long term planning? yes kak asma, consolidate with those who share the same aspirations and perhaps .. produce the alternative news source ? and i think its a phenomena in a n y society on the face of the earth today that people will eventually turn … and seek for the truth..
    ~and the biggest Truth would of course be Al-Haq

  3. Arsenalist.. 🙂 Great idea. But then handling a news agency is a matter of great responsibility.

    Things are easier said than done.

    Fur, it is certainly time for A L T E R N A T I V E S — in lots of things that surround us. The only problem is that we all wish for them without wanting to take up any responsibility for it. We just wait for O T H E R S to do something.

    Until that attitude changes, things are going to be pretty glum.

  4. sakooter : That’s right. But some of us need to initiate for that alternative, and to take up the responsibility, rather than waiting for others.

  5. How many of us are in Kashmir. I assume not many. And what is the percentage of people in Kashmir who have access to the kind of internet facilities outside world offers – Again I assume not many. So the opinions that are generated on the blogosphere mostly originates from those who have left the valley long time ago. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know how those who are still in Kashmir feel about it. I know, I am sticking my neck out here, do surprise me by saying that you havent left the motherland.

    I often wonder, what is the reason for such mediocrity (not only in respect of Greater Kashmir but in most of the things, which should have been our pride). Kashmir has suffered from the worst brain-drain of its kind and this is one of the contributing factors perhaps the biggest reasons why things are the way they are. And those who remain in Kashmir does have other more important things to care about – survival comes at the top of pile – rather than the quality of news published in a local daily.

    We only are impacted by such poor standards and Insha Allah we only will set things right.

    Juz A Kashmiri

  6. One main reason behind the progress of West is accountiblity in all fields,but sorry to mention in under developed countries there is free hand for high caders,though accountblity the spirit of ISLAM.Resulting here these high caders enjoy all apportunities & poor class do suffer.Such apportinists of all fields are taking full advantage of Freedom movement of Kashmir from both countries.So do progress …

  7. Greater Kashmir started as a voice for the Kashmiris during the turbulent 1990’s. It was the only English newspaper serious about reporting and it gained a market, a very large market. It publish 100% perfect stories in front of people and rest of gkwelfaretrust is working nicely to help poor people. it has very strong manpower almost 300 employees uper-ground and under-ground. i know information director (goverment official ) zandaal targeted so many times to greaterkashmir to compell but fortunately perhaps it covered wishes of people. i solute

  8. • Greater Kashmir started as a voice for the Kashmiris during the turbulent 1990’s. It was the only English newspaper serious about reporting and it gained a market, a very large market. It publish 100% perfect stories in front of people and rest of gkwelfaretrust is working nicely to help poor people. it has very strong manpower almost 300 employees over-ground and under-ground. i know information director (goverment official ) zandaal pro indian targeted so many times to greater kashmir to compell by this and that way but fortunately perhaps it covered wishes of people. i solute

  9. Greater Kashmir started as a voice for the Kashmiris during the turbulent 1990’s. It was the only English newspaper serious about reporting and it gained a market, a very large market. It publish 100% perfect stories in front of people and rest of gkwelfaretrust is working nicely to help poor people. it has very strong manpower almost 300 employees over-ground and under-ground. i know information director (goverment official ) zandaal pro indian targeted so many times to greater kashmir to compell by this and that way but fortunately perhaps it covered wishes of ragda ragda days gk started the new at 9.p.m the struggle of kashmiri people not tolerated by Indian government and again it was stopped by rammed. i solute note amendments will be continued thanks

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